Art + Science + Purpose

Sympoetic Reveries

Sympoietic Reverie is a multimedia installation exploring contrasts and connections through the intricate interplay of artificiality and nature's decline in urban settings.

Seamlessly weaving together visual abstraction, this installation casts a discerning eye on the relentless expansion of concrete jungles, revealing the delicate disruption of nature in progress.

Venturing beyond borders, Salas transports you to distant ecologies, bridging the chasm between what was and what might be. This visual journey encourages contemplation on the potential for symbiotic coexistence between urban aspirations and the preservation of nature's intrinsic beauty. As pixels dance, this piece beckons you to ponder the evolving tapestry of nature and the possibility of restoring equilibrium to the complex canvas of urban environments.

Presented at Voltaje Festival [COL] + TOPO [CA]